What are these plates made of?

These plates are made of sturdy porcelain.

Can these plates be used in the dishwasher?

Yes, these plates are dishwasher safe, however handwashing is recommended.

What is the size of the salt & pepper shakers?

The salt & pepper shaker set is 4” x 1.25”

Do you sell these items outside of North America?

At this point, we do not but hope to in the future.

Are these products food safe?

Yes, all products are food safe.

What is the size of the plates?

Each plate is 8”.

Where are these plates made?

These plates are produced in Guangdong, China by a reputable company with many years serving customers.

Do you sell these as single plates or only in a set of 4?

These limited edition Mah Jongg plates are only sold as a set.